Save money on your living

Save money
on your living

Our Home Bill Saver Service will help you save money on your essential bills. We will research and analyse the best options for you based on your specific needs and preferences. We then provide you with a comprehensive report that is completely personalised for your situation. Whether it be your mobile, electricity, gas, internet, security, health, landlord, car, home or contents insurance we can save you money.


What if I told you that you could regularly save over $1,000 per year on your energy, mobile, internet, car, home and health insurance bills?



Can you imagine what a difference that type of saving will make to your family budget, your lifestyle and your peace of mind year after year?

Well you can. I regularly do it all the time for my clients. You just need to do the following steps:

If you do it yourself:

  1. Get a copy of your latest bill for each service you would like to review
  2. Figure out exactly what you want and what you don’t need from your service provider.
  3. Select 3 companies that have a good reputation and/or are recommended by a non-biased organisation
  4. Get quotes from those 3 companies via the net or phone or sometimes both
  5. Compare each of the 3 companies’ quotes with your current provider making sure you make any adjustments needed to be able compare apples with apples – eg cost with discounts, costs without discounts, charge for paying by credit card etc
  6. Decide based on the above whether you would like to swap to another company or not.
  7. If you do decide to swap – contact the provider you wish to swap to and proceed to sign up AND
  8. Once you have signed up contact your original provider and cancel your arrangement with them (and probably have to spend time justifying to your old service providers salespeople and as to why you’re leaving their company)

Work with Us:

Avoid all the work, the headaches and the awkwardness of breaking up with your old supplier by:

  1. Giving us a copy of your latest bill for each service you would like to review
  2. Answering a few specific questions about your particular requirements


That’s it!


Just the first two steps. We’ll do the rest.

Hi, I’m Amanda.

I love to help people live their lives more fully, by helping them get back the resources they need in their lives – whether that’s time, or money. With the skyrocketing cost of living, the Home Bill Saver is here to help you do exactly that.

You can read more about me and what I do here.

Want  in?

I need more info


Is there a fee?


You give us $175 and the bill for 1 service and we will do it all for you.


You give us $725 and the bills for 5 services and not only will we do it for you but you will save $150!

Now we can’t promise you savings of over $1000 because each household’s circumstances differ BUT we do GUARANTEE to save you a MINIMUM of our fee plus $1 in the first year

If not, you get your money back ……AND you still get the benefit of all the savings we have found for you.

It sounds like a no-brainer right? That’s because it is.

Let’s get started.

Have questions?

If you have more than 5 bills to review or even the thought of just getting the bills together makes your head explode we have options for you. Just call me on 0439081035 or email me on